Saturday, January 10, 2015


   Apparently, we can't answer this question with certainty. This post is refering to the high-schoolers' stress when people ask them "what do you want to do for a living? what's the point of your life?". At this young and sensitive age, teenagers are usually not ready to decide what is good for them or what
they should do for the rest of their lives. They panic at the thought of that every decision they make will probably define their future. However, future is in their hands and they can do whatever they want to achieve their goals and be happy. For me, the problem is that school (in my country, especially) defines, in some grade, your job. Your whole future is depended on a few final exams you'll take at the end of high school, 2 hours each subject, and then, your final grades will define in which uiniversity you'll study. As I see it, this is kind of not okay, huh? I mean, how some exams can say if
you're good or bad enough to enter at a university? What about the students who want to be artists? School doesn't provide them with the suitable knowledge, for example, music or sketching subjects. But this is another matter. Oh! If a student decides not to take these exams, because he is not interested in becoming a doctor or architecture, for instance, they have to pay a university and study the subject they've picked, which will probably provide them with a job.

     Of course, future is not only having a job and earning money. We all have a life and we want to experience great things and to create moments. We are humans, we need to love and to be loved, we
want to travel the world, to meet new people who may be different from us. Some others want to stay alive forever, to make the whole humanity (now and in the future) remember them for being important. Thinking in that way, you'll understand that, while having a good job that will ensure your existence, you should also don't forget to live and be happy. Because, what's the point of being just wealthy and educated, but not having friends and people who love you? Will you have something funny and entertaining to remember from your young ages when you become old? Job is part of your life, not your whole future. I'm not saying that you don't have to work! What I'm trying to say is that, by doing a job you love, you'll never have to work. You will earn money in a way you enjoy, not just because your parents or teachers said so. And this is the hard part: how to pick something that makes me happy? How to accomplish working on something I love? As far as I'm concerned, this is really hard and you must put a lot of effort, time and money to succeed. The main "key" to success is passion for what you want. Loving something truly will make you approach it.

   Truth is that, for me, nothing is certain. Some people will be successful, some will not. Everyone, however, should be happy with what they have and face with positivity whatever comes in their life. People are made to be evolved and create new things every day. There are plenty of opportunities you
can grab, so be open in what comes in your life. Take risks and let changes enter your lifestyle. Don't be afraid to try everything you want and make your routine less boring and stressful. You have the power and with a couple of people who you love, you can reach great achievements. Don't forget to be kind and good things will happen to you. And remember: the winner is the dreamer who tried.

What is your opinion regarding the future? Are you doing something that you think is helpful for an interesting life? What aobut your dreams and how people react when you state your view about your future? Let me know in the comments!

Listen to this motivating song by my favorite Nina Nesbitt:

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