Thursday, September 4, 2014

Back to School!

    This time of the year starts. Summer holidays have come to an end and, to be honest, I need a few more weeks. I'm not really excited about the new school year, although I'm going to high school for the first time and it is supposed to make me happy. I think I'm ready to face the anxiety of stydying
but I just don't want to be under pressure. So, as I said, I finished junior high school and I'm moving to high school! Maybe real fun starts now, maybe I'll meet new people, maybe I'll feel like I belong somewhere, maybe I'll find my first true love, maybe I'll get a better student... Who knows? Future is unexpected and this is a big change in my life.
  Some basic points-advice for school:

  • When in class:
  1. Raise your hand and state a view. Teachers will see that you enjoy the class and it will improve your grades.
  2. Always have your homework done. It shows that you're a consistent student.
  3. Although it's difficult, don't chat with your friends. (this is really hard for me actually!)
  • During the break:
  1. School is not only education. We made new friends and we become social. Be yourself and talk to people that you find interesting.. They may become your best friends, you never know! 
  2. Eat a healthy snack. It will keep you active and you won't get tired easily.

The most important tip is to not stress up too much. It will block you from enjoying what you're doing. Although school is not a place that most teens like, we must be positive as years pass and one day, we'll no longer be students. School years include friendship and love, crushes and off-school activities. Try not to worry about everything. Life is not permanent, and so as bad moments. Be happy for who you are and what you achieve, work had for what you like and open your mind. What you're learning at school, will help you in your life. Gain as much as you can!

Bethany Mota

And now, for the girls! An issue we all consider about is "Outfit-Make up-Hair". The main point is to find the style that expresses yourself and fits your body. As far as I'm concerned, since last year I didn't care about how I look at school, but I was so wrong. I had to look pretty and feel confident about my appearance. I bought new fashionable clothes and shoes that I love and I started liking the idea of getting compliments about my outfit! I keep searching for more ideas on how to get dressed in fashion and look elegant. Recently, I'm getting inspired from Bethany's #BackToSchool videos and they're really helpful and will make you look fab!

My hair are a mess and I always have problem with them, but I found this amazing video of Beth and my life changed! I used to wear a ponytail and a ribbon everyday, but I got bored to see me always like this. 

I don't put make-up on school because I don't have time and schools in Greece are quite strict. But, if I was to put make-up, I'd choose something natural that will make my face look clear and healthy. Bethany has the answer again!

Bethany Mota Locker and outfit

So, that's all about school! I'm going there in 11st September and, as I said, I'm not into this. What about you? Did you started school? If not, when do you start? Are you feeling up or down about it? Let me know in the comments and ask me whatever you want!


  1. Well first of all let me tell you these were great tips, pretty much anything you need to have in mind while startng school. I myself have finished school and seeing everyone around getting ready for it makes me jealouss!!
    Since you yourself start high school I say follow your own advises. They were good.

    Like you said the most important thing to remember is to not let your nerves get the better of you. Of course you'll be nervous it's normal just don't let it get out of control. High school can be pretty bad at times but you will also get many good memories and fun times from there. Just make sure everyday that you like what you're wearing and feel confident in your skin. Everything else will happen on it's own. Also keep in mind that everyone one on your year is as nervous as you, maybe even more, so there is no need to feel out of place. As for the older kids trust me they are looking forward to meet the new kids. Most of them will be nice, it's not like middle school. :)

    1. thanks for your tips! I'm looking forward to start living like a high-schooler!
