Wednesday, June 10, 2015


   Hello everybody! I apologize for not posting for two whole weeks, but the exams' period started and I've been studying... well, at least I'm trying my best! Next week I'll be done with school and I will start with the plans I've got in mind for summertime. For the time being, all I can tell you is how to ace a geometry exam! Ok, just kidding. Well, I don't have anything to post today, I just wanted to post a little update as I have more free time now.
   This exams' period is so challenging and annoying at it's demanded to stay at home, studying for a test that shows nothing. Most students start studying for finals and when they're done with them, they forget everything. I literally cannot remember what I learned for my history exam, which was a week ago. So, what is the point? Anyway, I hope you're doing great and you are pleased with yourself and your effort. Think positive, because hey! summer is coming and what is more exciting than that? I am expecting my summer 2015 to be full of walks at the beach with friends and family, endless shopping, but I am seeing myself staying at home in front of my computer, scrolling through tumblr (yes, I got addicted to tumblr recently, judge me), watching series & youtubers and going out to take pictures for instagram. But, this is great too!
   So, how's goin? Did you finish exams? Are you planning to do something different this summer? Let me know in the comment sections below! Have a nice life xxx

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