Saturday, February 28, 2015


1. Favorite Starbucks drink?
    I've been at Starbucks only once (whaaaaat!?) and I have no idea about the drink catalogue
2. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

    15-20 minutes cause of school
3. How many selfies do you take on a daily basis?

    Many! It depends on how I look, but on average I take    15
4. How many IG followers and pics do you have?

    109 followers/ 397 posts
5. Do you ever say "LOL" or "OMG" out loud?

    I don't use these words but I sometimes say OMG
6. Do you wear the same clothing item more than once?

    Duhh! I gave my money for these clothes and I'm gonna wear them as many times as I want.
7. Are you racist? (Why is this even a question)

   Of course not. 
8. How many tweets do you have?

   32.807 (Jez, I'm obsessed!)
9. Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr?
   Definitely twitter! I can spend my whole day on there!
10. What do you spend most of your time doing?

    Surfing on the internet and eating
11. Who are your favorite youtubers?

    ThatcherJoe, Tyler Oakley, danisnotonfire, Caspar Lee, Zoella, Connor Franta
12. How often do you do your nails?

    In summer, I always paint them and in winter I think I do my nails at least once a month.

 13. Are you a shopaholic?
    No, but this is because there are no good shops in my city.
14. How many times have you watched Mean Girls?
    3 times (again, whaaaaaaaat!?)
15. Do you own a lot of clothes?
    I own too many clothes and I kinda wear the same 10 clothing items everyday.
16. Do you take pictures of your food before you eat it?

    Only when it's pizza! I take photos of the sweet I eat though.
17. Do you wear makeup everyday?

    No, I wear make up when I'm going out with friends (this is rarely) or when I want to boost my       confidence (or take a good selfie).
18. What are your average grades in school?

    They are high (not straight A)
19. How do you usually style your hair?

    I curl them or doing braids but my signature hairstyle is ponytale.
20. Do you always look presentable?

    I'm trying my best, but sometimes I'm too lazy and I end up wearing awful outfits!

I tag all of you girls to answer these questions! ByeBye xxx

Monday, February 23, 2015


  • BIRTHDAY: January 12, 1993
  • BIRTHPLACE: England
  • Member of the English-Irish boyband One Direction
  • His high notes make you feel like you're in heaven
Follow him on:

Friday, February 20, 2015


   Hello everyone! I caught a flu and I've been inn my bed all day yesterday, I didn't go to school today, but I have to study for tomorrow and it's painful. Anyway, I just wanted to write something on here, because it makes me feel a little better. I realized that I've changed as a person and I am more mature now, I have thought a lot about life and I've been inspired by great people, who taught me how to be a better person.

   When I was younger, I was brainwashed by media (tv mostly) and I was led by others' opinions. I used to like things because other people like them too. This is for sure a wrong thing to do. Most of the times, these opinions and even lifestyle were not good and they made me more aggressive and
despressed. When I moved in junior high school, I've been thinking that I was a big woman, not a girl anymore. I did some mistakes, but I've learnt from them. I'm not gonna lie, I regret doing some things. I regret letting myself open my mind and give away all my secrets to people who didn't love me and were fake. It didn't help me at all and everything got complicated. I wasn't a happy person through my 3 years in junior high school and I didn't enjoy myself. I wish I could turn back time and smile more.

    I can finally say I am happy with what I have and I have found things that I enjoy doing. I am glad
that I've met people who are real friends of mine and I feel comfortable with them. I think this is an important issue, having people who are honest and fun with you and they don't want to hurt you. I also took up guitar lessons , which was the best decision I've ever made. Music got me out of an endless maze in my mind, where I was feeling useless. Playing songs on my guitar and writing my own music is a magic thing and I feel lucky for having people who motivate me to do that.

    In addition, internet is my main sourse of happiness. What I love the most is that I can watch youtubers, because through their lifestyle and what they have achieved, they give me strength. I could never believe that people who doesn't even know me are able to make me smile the most. Because of them, I became open-minded and I found out that, although our world is a strange place and people
keep telling that out life is short, we should enjoy every single moment and do whatever we want to. I realized that our differences and flaws does not matter, because there is at least one unique thing about us and we are all talented in something. Nothing make me more happy than seeing these people trying to change the world and make other happy. I want to be like them, I want to tell humans that there could be a reason for everyone to smile for and that they're loved.
    Anyway, I had no idea where I was going with this post, I just needed to write something and that's it! I want you to smile more and never let anything make you sad. You are amazing! Find what you're interested in and evolve yourself. Read more, travel a lot and experience new things. Bye xxx

Monday, February 16, 2015


  • BIRTHDAY : February 25, 1993
  • BIRTHPLACE : England
  • Youtuber, filmmaker, web star. He helps many youtubers run their channels (JacksGap , for example!) 
Follow him on:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


    Hey readers! Valentine's Day is about to come and has different meaning for every one of us. For me, it's just another day in the calendar. For some of you is an opportunity to show your love to your boyfriend/girlfriend. Some others claim that it is a day you can show your love to everyone, whether they are your family/pets or whatever. But what is actually this day about? Is it 100% about love?
   Human tend to create days for literally everything. It would be ridiculous if they hadn't created one for love, because love is an important matter. However, this day is not for everyone we love, but it's for those who are dating someone. You can't ask your mother or grandparents to be your valentine, right? Of course you love them all, but this day is not about this kind of love. Also, Valentine's Day gives the opportunity to some people to show that they're interested in someone. They may send an anonymous letter or ask their crush -in person- to date them.
 As we all know, benefits are always hidden next to every "event". Businesses brainwash us that we should show our love through expensive jewelry, underwears, clothes etc. Factories produce tons of chocolates, bears holding red hearts with messages and other fluffy animals with cute eyes and smiley faces. I don't say that I don't like chocolates and gifts, but the fact that so many money are given not for a specific reason is what I don't like. Year has 365 days, so we can buy whatever we want to the ones we love at any time. What is more, love is not estimated by how money you spend on a valentine's-day gift. Even a simple hug/kiss or "I love you" will be enough for someone who really loves you.

As far as I'm concerned, I've been single for 15 years, that is I've never dated anyone. I never had a valentine or a secret-fan. If you're asking me, I really enjoy it! I fancy the idea of having a boyfriend, but I am used to not having one and it's okay. Most of the single ones get "depressed" this day, they may hate on couples and cry under their blankets, cuddling a bowl of ice-cream and watching series. My advice for you is to stop considering it as a day to complain about how lonely you are, because you're destroying yourself. We can all be grumpy and moody sometimes, but we should not blame it all to ourselves. I've been doing this for many years and last year I completely forgot about it and went out with my friends. And, yes, I do get upset when I see commercial about Valentine's day, where cute couple prepare something special for their lover. I'm guilty of that and I wish I could not care that much about it.

What I have to say to singles out there is: grab youself some pizza, pop corn, a good movie and friends, lie on the couch, wear comfy pajamas and laugh as much as you can. Actually, do this at any time, it puts you in a good mood and refreshes you. Avoid listening to love songs and watching drama/romance films. Instead, pick a comedy or a science fiction film or just watch The Big Bang Theory! Don't get angry if your friends are dating someone and they always discuss about what present they should get them and what to wear on their day out. Being mad doesn't change the fact that you are single.

   For those you are in a relationship, here's my advice: don't push yourself into trying to find the most expensive and special present for your boyfriend/girlfriend. I am sure that they will appreciate it more if you show your love through a hug or by playing a song on an instrument you may play or by taking pictures with them and things like that. Make some chocolate, cook a delicious dinner, order pizza and rent a nice movie, or do nothing (and by nothing, I mean that you can just chat with him/her as usual. Send your good morning/night messages with 2-3 more heart emojis). You are not forced to celebrate that day, even if you're dating someone.

So, what about you? Are you single or in relationship? What are you planning to do on Valentine's Day? Do you have any cool Valentine's Day stories you wanna share? Let me know in the comments!

This post is 100% my opinion and I can understand that opinions differ. If you feel that I stated something wrong, then write it in the comments for further explanation! xxx

Monday, February 9, 2015


  • BIRTHDAY: February 17, 1991
  • BIRTHPLACE: England
  • Singer-songwriter and musician, he's Britain's biggest talent, mostly known for his songs The A TeamSing, Thinking Out Loud.
  • His album X is the best selling one for 2014
Follow him on:

Sunday, February 8, 2015


    Hello readers! Last Sunday, I went to the cinema with my bestie and we watch "The theory of everything", one of the most amazing movies I've ever watched! It's a biographical romantic drama film about the life of Stephen Hawking, an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease. The movie starts at the point when Stephen met Jane, with whom he gets in relationship with. Things get hard for them both when he's being diagnosed. Okay, I'm not going to continue with the plot (I hate spoilers!). 
   This movie made me think of many different issues. It proves for one more time how unfair life on earth is. This genius man, whose mind was full of unique ideas regarding physics and world matters, has being told that he is going to die, and even worse, that we would be able to think, but no one will ever know what he thinks about, as he would not be able to talk. Also, it proves that true love is lifesaving. If it wasn't for Jane's determination, Stephen would probably have died already. Although doctors have assured her that he wouldn't be able to stay alive, she demanded that they keep him in life. What is more, the fact that he can now "talk" through a computer with a built-in voice synthesizer proves how important the development of technology is. With this computer, Stephen got to write his books. 
   Through this movie, I realised how powerful a human can be. It is important that no one should ever give up, even the time when someone says that we are going to die. We should keep in mind that we are here for a purpose and that we can achieve big things if we want to. It is essential that we find people who want us to be okay, people who care about us and who will stay by our side both at the most difficult and good times. 
     Something that is not about the movie, but I really like is Eddie Redmayne, who plays the role of Stephen Hawking. I think no one would be more suitable for this role, which is very difficult and demanding. 
    Turning someone's life into a movie is always a risk. But this movie is on point, and everyone who worked for it tried their best and the result is accurate. 
    I highly recommend that you all watch this movie! If you haven't already, what are you waiting for? 

Monday, February 2, 2015


  • BIRTHDAY : January 6, 1982
  • BIRTHPLACE : England
  • Movie actor, mostly known for playing the role of Stephen Hawking in the movie The Theory of Everything. He's also been in Les Miserables and My Week with Marilyn.