Monday, September 7, 2015


   Hello everyone! For most students, back-to-school period has already come, but for me starts this Friday. Whether we like it or not (most likely we don't), we have to attend classes, get graded and sit exams. The main thing we should all focus on is to not freak out over everything.
   I am in the 2nd year in high school, which means that next year will be my last as a student (and to be quite honest, I can't wait). Also, for more people at my age, it's the period we feel pressured to figure out what we want to do in the future, so questions like "in which uni should I go?" and "what job is suitable for me?" are always in our minds. I am not an expert on how not to get even an existensial crisis because of this overwhelming situation. What I try to do is to take care of myself and put my physical and mental health as a priority. Remember that nothing matters more than having a healthy organism to keep you going. To achieve that, you should not lose sleep to study and have a balanced diet/not skip meals. Even when you have after-school-lessons, you should have regular snacks and the most important, drink a lot of water. 
   The greek educational system is not well-organized and it doesn't give opportunities to all students. For example, we don't have art lessons, we don't learn languages other than greek and english, P.E. is a free hour and sex ed does not exist. Also, here are not fun activities we can enter nor clubs (except for the physics club which has like 4 students). So, how do they expect us to enjoy school when all we do is study for 9 months straight?

    For those who are going to high school for the first time this year, I have some things to tell you.

  • If you're scared, don't worry. Everyone is as scared as you are and no one is better than you.
  • It's nothing like the movies. Nothing exciting happens and it's the truth. Do not expect big changes.
  • You will find people who will be your best friends, even if you don't believe it. Last year I found some of the greatest friends I've ever had in my whole life. 
  • Having crushes is stupid and pointless. You may disagree and I can respect that, but all they do to you is destructing you from the real fun and wasting your time. Having friends is more important than sticking on a human and claim to have a crush on them.
  • Teachers may seem strict but you should have in mind that they are people too and they have a life outside the school. Don't start fights with them and try to understand.
  • There will be immature people. Don't even give a fuck about them. Their insults and bad comments mean nothing about you.
    What I always try to remember that high school may seems the end of the world but it's definitely not. It will end and we may even miss it sometimes. Make memories, go out with friends, join school trips, meet new people and visit new places. Deep inside, we all know which our dreams are and where we are aiming with our lives. Concentrate to stuff that you enjoy and make the most out of every situation. Most important, be a kind human. That's what's missing from this world and we need it. Plus, you don't need many people around you, just 3-4 close friends. Lastly, never change yourself to fit in. Neither you nor other people will gain something from this. There are teens who are like you and you share the same interests. Don't try to impress others by someone you're not. Stay true and people who like you for who you are, will come for you. 
   If you want more practical advice about school, check my last year's post. Also, tell me in the comments box, where do you live and how is the edicational system like? Which year are you in and how does it make you feel? Which is your best advice on school? I wish you to have an incredible school year! 

p.s. check this playlist for #BackToSchool and school related videos from some of my favorite youtubers.